
The staff team connected with Servants 4 Him are all highly skilled and following God’s call to serve the people of Guatemala. Some of our team are Guatemaltecos while some are from the US.

Feel free to contact any of our team through either [php]$cnx_id=get_page_by_title(‘The Connection’);echo “[a href=’” . $cnx_id->ID . “‘]The Connection[/a]”;[/php] page or their Facebook profile.

    /** in the code in the paragraph above, the link to the Connection page is
    dynamically generated using the Title (“The Connection”) to generate a link to the page.
    If the title on the connection page changes or is deleted this code will no longer work.
    the following code generates a list of all “People” pages
    it is displayed as link using the Title from each people page
    please do not edit this code
    $id = $_GET[‘page_id’];
    wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&child_of=’. $id);