Contaminated water for drinking and cooking is a significant problem in much of the world. Servants 4 Him works with bio-sand water filters (BSF), developed by the Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) to address this problem. The BSF removes or kills parasites, harmful bacteria, and viruses making water safe to drink according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards.
Harmful bacteria in water used for consumption is a leading cause of health problems including diarrhea. Dehydration from diarrhea is the leading cause of death especially among children.
S4H works with local churches and mission organizations to train and equip them to build BSFs in their communities. The local church is culturally in an excellent position to help meet the phyisical need of purified water.
Many spiritual parallels or examples can be drawn from the need for filtering water and the work of the water filter. Therefore, the filters become a great “door opener” to talk to the unsaved and unchurched. By meeting a physical need, clean water, there are many opportunities to discuss spiritual needs.