Vision Now a Reality

The vision all along has been to make disciples and to train pastors. Forrest & Carol have been faithfully doing this for 11 years without a center to work from. Their house was packed with books, materials, crafts and bunk beds! Teams would come and go. Pastors would drop in and stay awhile. And discipleship was taking place.

MH GraduationThe vision has not changed, but the application has expanded. We now have the Upper Room fully functional and have held two training sessions this year. In addition, Mercy House in Totonicapon, about 3 hours north, is hosting trainings. We have completed equipping this facility for teaching and team housing. The first training was held there last week.


As we begin in earnest to host these teachings, the feedback from the pastors (many who traveled for hours to be there) has been unanimous. “Please come to our area and continue the teachings for others to learn”. These pastors realize the importance of inductive study and are hungry to experience the full power of God’s word.


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