Juan Moises called a few days ago saying that he would like to purchase 4 water filters for families in Quiacquix, the community where he lives. Yesterday he called to say he had given one of the filters to the Caniz family. But there is more to this story ….
Juan explained that this family had been a cause of conflict in the community for many years. However, with something as simple as prayer and water filter long-standing walls were broken down. Juan was able to bless this family with the first water filter they have had and share the love of Jesus with them. Please pray for softened hearts in this family.
Below is the text from Juan’s Facebook post (spanish with translation following).
Tomasa Caníz y su familia tuvieron su primer agua pura hoy, es un privilegio bendecir a esta familia y gracias por su apollo y oración.
Tomasa Caniz and her family received their first pure water today. It is a privelege to bless this family. Thank you for your support and prayers.