2015 Letter from S4H Board

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December 2015 Newsletter

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Ministry Happens (Even While on Vacation)

Baptism @ Fall Creek Falls, TN

Baptism @ Fall Creek Falls, TN

On Saturday (Sept 26) Carol and I drove down to Fall Creek Falls State Park in TN. We stopped at an interesting outcropping of rocks  and a pool of water. There was a large crowd of people there and as we approached we could see that is was a baptism service. It was obvious to us that this church group was Spanish-speaking.

We talked with a few of the people there and learned that about 90% of the 200+ member church were from Guatemala, many from Huehuetenango.

The pastor of the church attended Guatemala Bible Seminary in Chimaltenango. In 2014 he and his family were called to Tennessee to plant a church.

Carol and I went to go see the falls, but we were invited to come back later to meet the pastor, which we did. We not only met the pastor, but the ladies in the church treated us to a typical Guatemalan lunch: churazco, chirmol, frijoles negros, and of course tortillas. 🙂

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How precious is your unfailing love, O God!

Josefa knows and understands God’s unfailing love!  The day before her birthday we visited her family.  She shared that her birthday (15) would consist of a simple dinner with her family of nine.  There would be no presents, no cake, only hugs from her family.  But she was content and happy, she loves her family!

I had brought small gifts for the 7 children.  Washcloths and soap, shampoo and hand cream brought smiles of delight to their faces.  Difficult decisions had to be made…”would you rather have a washcloth or a piece of candy?” They took the washcloth every time!  They asked if they could use the wash cloths to clean their feet.  I explained they were for their faces.



When we returned home I looked through our donated Bibles and found a very special pink leather one that I knew would be just the right one for Josefa.

I made new gift bags for the children, a special one for Josefa and a pair of bags for the twins that turned 6 just before our visit.  Every bag had several wash cloths, so they would have one for their feet!  Small bags of candy, stuffed animals for the twins, coloring books, markers and construction paper to share.  We also gave bags to the mother and the other children.  The bags are made by a group of elderly women in Virginia from remnants.  Every bag is different and very special, made with love and prayers, received with gratitude and joy!

Pray for Josefa, she is in a special high school diploma program that majors in Bible.  She attends a weekly Bible study with her family.  While many young people are walking away from the church Josefa strives to know, understand and apply the Word of God in her life!  She knows God’s unfailing love for her!


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